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Innovation Webinars 2023

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(Sessions closed) - RECORDING FOR SALE!!

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Missed the webinars? No worries! Now you can buy the recordings at special price! Hurry up!

Webinar 1: Winning Strategies for Innovation Competitions: The Jury’s View

by Dr Haida Umiera Hashim

English Language Department, Academy of Language Studies (APB), Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam (MARA University of Technology)

08 Oct 2023 (9.00am-10.30am)


08 Oct 2023 (11.00am-12.30pm)


Webinar 2: Innovate to Elevate: Excelling in Future Learning & Employment!

by Professor Dr Melor Md Yunus

Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia)

14 Oct 2023 (9.00am-10.30am)


Webinar 3: Innovating for Gold! How and Where to Start?

by Dr Karmila Rafiqah M. Rafiq

Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA Puncak Alam (MARA University of Technology)

14 Oct 2023 (11.00am-12.30pm)

Webinar 4: Crafting a Narrative: From Teaching Innovation to Published Pedagogical Insights

by Assoc. Prof. Dr Harwati Hashim

Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia)

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